pokkeri käed

Pokkeri käed

Very interesting interview, well done both. Melonath Falls cries out „this map represents a battleground“ in the same way the lairs in G1 to G3 do. An unskilled party is going to get ambushed and attacked from multiple directions http://clarityisjustsohip.com/. Settembrini, you can pick up JB’s Hell’s Own Temple directly from his B/X Blackrazor site whilst we are waiting for No Artpunk volume 2. I think a play from those skilled in handling high level characters would be illuminating: JB has not nerfed any PC abilities, relying on the power and special attacks of the devils to challenge them; I suspect the 2 fire giants need reinforcement to 4 (or even 6). High level adventures are harder to judge from just a read through, as experienced parties will have clever combinations, making use of precast spells and magic items. If your group does attempt the module, a playtest report is expected!

I don’t disagree that AD&D has its roots in the wargaming hobby and wargaming has traditionally been created (and dominated) by men. But to me, this isn’t a sign of asymmetrical interest so much as asymmetrical ACCESS. Wargaming grew out of military groups…groups that for the most part excluded women from their ranks until very recently. The idea that this makes for evidence of demographic appeal of a particular pastime (when the demographic is forced) is laughable to say the least.

You’ve brought this up in earlier episodes and you’re not totally off, but I think your theory needs to be tweaked slightly. The key to innovation and richer game play with regard to AD&D is, I think, effective world building, but the latter is (perhaps) best served in MANY regards by a study of historic warfare. Wargaming (at least the non-fantasy kind) does just this…it attempts to model real world operations, logistics, and strategic considerations with game-worthy systems and rules. My most recent foray into AD&D play has been accompanied by heavy doses of reading and research into both western history and ancient warfare (so often, sadly, intertwined) and the results have been spectacular as far as MY level of engagement and energy and endurance for real world building…and this has, quite naturally, spilled over to my players at the table.

I’m not fond of 3d6-down-the-line in B/X either, due to the combination of early and high bonuses and especially crippling penalties, but just like low hp and death at zero you can easily change that – and since house rules are common in (older versions of) D&D and easy to build into the modular system, I also see that as legitimate and not an illogical defense along the lines of „No problem, because you can change it.“

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